Shes just a girl
She always has her nose in a book
and always runs away from love
Shes a little naive
and randomly dances at grocery stores
She loves to stick her feet out the window on warm summer days
and loves to sing while running in the cold snowy days
She's the girl that spins and twirls in the rain
The one thats always watching cartoons
Okay;; maybe shes more than just a little naive
shes just a girl
Shes always swinging on swings
and jumping on her bed
She still wishes it was the 90's
ya` know back in the day
sleeping in tents with her nextdoor nieghbor
who just so happens to be her best friend
Playing with Daisy
and putting on leather pants for bulldog boogie
Shes the girl who goes out with Lucas
and has 20000 *NSYNC posters on her wall
Well;; not anymore.
Shes still just a girl
Shes the girl who sleeps in her closet with her best friend
the one who loves Subway sandwiches;; no chips and a drink please;; just the sandwich;; thankyou
The same one who has all of her crushes names on the bottom of her wall;; marked out
Shes just a girl
Shes just a girl
who silently waits
and even though she wants something to happen;; when something starts she runs away.
Shes the one who cries
and holds her pain inside;; only because shes not aware of her pain;;
not aware were it comes from or why its there
Shes always there for her friends
and even though her friends are ther for her;; she doesnt call upon them
only because she doesnt know what to say
She doesnt know why she hurts;;
she just wish it would stop.
Shes the girl whos parents wont stop fighting;;
Only because her dad is dying and her mom has no patience
Shes the same person that when she had help;;
they walked out of her life;;
not to decieve her;; they had to;;
God wanted them to minister to another church.
Shes the girl who sits on a log in the woods for hours just to think
The girl who sighs all the time just because it makes her lungs feel good.
She often runs bare foot;;
and thinks of Robbie;; the guy shes been in love with for 5 years;; the guy thats barely noticed her.
This girl is an ugly girl;;
even though;; shes the only one that sees that
The exact girl who still lives at Old Furnace with Maggie
or in Windemere with McKenzie
SHe used to draw clalk hearts on the driveway with McKenzie
The five year old girl who was her best friend in 6th grade;;
only becasue nobody else liked her.
Shes that person who`s favorite memory consits of two boys & a class field trip
Even though both of the boys olny liked her best friend.
Shes the one that;; to this day;; gets picked on or made fun of;;
and still has a smile on her face
becasue she will make your day better;;
even if no one will make hers that way
Shes the girl thats always hearing wonderful things about her friends;;
by the people she wants to say nice things about her
She blows bubbles
and loves the warm brezze
She is just a girl
The one thats soooo scared of the future
what it holds;; and what it brings.
Shes got a beautiful heart
Even though nobody ever sees that.
Shes so innocent and quiet
quiet not in person;; for in person she is loud;;
but quiet of her feelings
because no guy loves her
no guy will ever love her
becasue she is ugly & useless
She is just a girl
Take notice of this girl
For she will be somebody
even though right now she isnt
But take notice
even if she is just a girl
after all thats all she really wants;;
to be noticed.
She is just a girl
Shes the one that is in love with the past
unlovingly lives the present
and is so afraid of the future.
Shes just a girl
Shes just a girl
Shes just me.