Saturday, April 9, 2011

<--And here's how I see it.-->

Bravo, Charlie. I guess I could say that I'm finally getting it. But in all honesty, I still don't. I simply could not be the best if I was the only one. How sad is that? If you are the only one, you cannot be the best. At all. What's funny is that sometimes, being the victim doesn't make people feel sorry enough to help you, but in fact, being the victim makes people hate your very being. Maybe, in a very long stretch, I could see the anger stemming from someone defenseless and pathedic. I mean, being a worthless, empty, depressed little hole in the floor for someone to trip into could cause some digust. But the person who just complains about the hole instead of trying to cover it up? That's what's really disgusting. But you know what I think is far worse than the arrogant ass who doesn't think to help the person? The person who knows they should help and doesn't. The person who sees a soul being completely destroyed and travels miles away to escape their responsibility as a human being. Yes! It is your responsibility to help someone whom you know you can save! In the very fabric of human nature to hold on, that human will lose. Sad? Yes. We're always told to hold on, to never let go, never give up. But what happens when holding on may save your soul, but destroys your very being? Destroys your ONLY connection with human existence? Do you still hold on? In a lose, lose situation, everyone wins except yourself. And that, my friends, is what happens when you become a victim. No, we don't choose to be stepped on and let down. No one chooses to be an honest victim. No one chooses to be locked out of human connection, stuck in the back room, staring at all the memories they weren't even included in. Nobody chooses that! Nobody would ever choose the feeling of being left in the dark while everyone is inside playing games and laughing! But what we DO choose is to overcome! But what the hell happens when by the time you overcome being a victim, everyone you wanted to connect to is gone?! A victim will always be a victim. And when the world leaves you, who is left? Yourself. Lonliness is the core to salvation? No, it's not. That is absolutley ridiculous. The thing is, nobody sees this the same way I do. Everyone sees the victim choosing her fate. Fate is never chosen. Why would someone ever choose to shun themsleves to such a pathedic pretense of reading letters from beautiful souls they've never even met? When would someone chose to reduce to pure hatred of everything? They wouldn't. But you would never know, because you never stopped to help that person to realize that they are a victim. You never stopped to even question the condition of their soul. Assuming that they were reduced to the choice of hating everything? Pure ignorance. What's the point in overcoming being a victim if everyone you did it for has left? Would you do it merely for yourself? What good is your emotional and mental stability if you can't share it with someone? You're left with shadows, ghosts, memories, and the notion that you chose to be a victim. What good is that? Maybe we should learn to let go more often. A victim is a victim. And once the victim goes through hell and back, they become numb to the past. NUMB TO THE PAST. You can't even imagine the thoughts or the people you used to have/know. Faces become blobs, memories become dreams. And the worst part of it all? You're still in the back. Still in the dark. Only this time, your connections with human existence aren't a few feet away playing games and laughing, they're miles away having a great time. If you are the only one, you cannot be the best. At all.

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