Friday, April 8, 2011

A One Man Show is Aesthetic.

A one man show is aesthetic. Imagine. Alone, with everyone watching you. Or you watching everyone. The equivalent to life itself. You are alone. Plain and simple. There is and never will be someone with you from beginning to end. I'm speaking literally. Like near you, communicating to you. Never. Ever. Life is a one man show. People watch you perform. Make their opinions on whether they liked your performance or not. Then they go home, and forget about you the next day. It sounds sad, but I take much comfort in the fact that it's this way and in the fact that I, as the person seeing life from my eyes only, cannot and never will be able to change this. I cannot change anything. Not people. Not situations. Not time. Not death. Not anything. People do what THEY want. Time moves at the pace IT wants. Death takes people when IT is ready. Things just happen. I cannot change any of it. But that makes me human, makes me simple, makes me feel. Makes me whole. So, I say, fuck it. I'm going to be happy. I am who I am. You are who you are. They are who they are. It is what it is. And that's the way it will always be. And I'm finally, actually okay with that. I just cannot believe it took me this long. I enjoy my mistakes. And I enjoy other people hurting me. I enjoy it because that's the way it should be. Because, otherwise, I can never know simplicity, or true life in itself.

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