Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life is pure. It's a lot of things, really. It's messy, wild, angry, mean, hurtful, and gruesome. But its also forgiving.We cannot learn unless we make errors. Sometimes life is calm. It's raw. It's learning from us as we learn from it. The universe has its own way of working things out. It make take important things away from you, but it gives you something in return. It is accepting. And even though, we find it difficult to do the same, ultimately, that is what needs to be done. Accept the loss and continue forth. It really is the simple things. The cereal in your bowl, sleeping in until 2 PM and feeling guilty about it. Staying up until 4 AM crying about nothing. Helping another creature who needs help. The way in which the universe works is not what everyone always wants, but it is what is best. Nobody knows better than the universe. And sometimes, you become a stranger. And sometimes all you need is yourself. Distance can lead to mental awakenings. And even with chakras closed tightly, we can all bridge into something more than we once were before. Yeah, we have tender spots. And some of us are angry, but we must learn to forgive and let go. Just like the universe teaches us. Everything is alright. We just have to remember that.

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