Saturday, April 9, 2011

You Reach for the Heavens and the Sky.

-->But you fail to realize the beauty of the roots that reach for you.<--

It's a sad day when you realize the most beautiful thing you've ever seen has died into a lifeless grain of dust.

You stand so close to beauty of was once was. You sit and gaze in its presence. Then it vomits all over you and shrinks down to the core of its true being. You hand out goodies and favors and would like the same in return. You expect too much. Expecting ANYTHING is expecting to much. You sit and get thrown up on for days, weeks, months just to behold and be a witness to such beauty until one day, you get sick and tired of getting puked on. You're frustrated at always cleaning yourself off and then expecting the vile to not hit you again when you know for a fact that it will. And when that day comes, thats the day you realize who you are and what you were. People change, but the heart never does. People get sick of always being hurt and spit on over and over so they move on. But their heart? Their actions? Their core? Guess thats how you find out who people really are. Sometimes, you waste your thoughts and feelings on something, SOME ONE who's core is pure rotten and you were too distracted by their beauty to realize what they are. Hearts don't change. Your heart grows. The day you actually realize that, is the day that you'll find out how much of a mess you've left here. Broken promises? Petty business. Lies? False tales to get through the day. Accusations? Merely a put off of hypocrisy to make yourself to be in denial. WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. Grow up. Get some balls. And LEARN. Shake the dust off yourself, get out of your selfish waste of self pity and denial, and go figure out what you were meant to do here. We're tired of it. Its pathetic. You're better than that. We all are. Trust me. We'll all float on okay. Its pointless to waste time on failing to admit that beauty is always right the fuck there. One day we'll figure out (all on our own, because we're too stupid of creatures to take anyone's word for it) that everything doesn't have to be this difficult. I am Rachel Fucking Anne Atkins. Always have been; always will be. This is my life. I am wasting it one minute at a time. AND I AM OKAY WITH THAT. Its time you should be too.

It's called growing out.
You should try it sometime.

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